Published January 27, 2020 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

The Language of Place: Towards an Agenda for Linguistic Platial Cognition Research

  • 1. School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Bangor University, UK


Research on language in the interdisciplinary field of spatial cognition has identified multiple ways in which language represents mental representations of space, including object locations, spatial relationships, spatial problem solving such as wayfinding, and so on. Further, cognitive linguistic research reveals various ways in which language is based on physical experience. What remains under-explored is how the very fundamental human experience of place, in terms of its sensory and emotional attachments, is represented in language (other than works of art). Here I explore possible transfer avenues from linguistic spatial cognition to platial linguistic research.


T Tenbrink - The Language of Place - Towards an Agenda for Linguistic Platial Cognition Research.pdf