Published January 20, 2020 | Version v1
Working paper Open

Effective Integration of E government across Dutch municipalities

  • 1. Tilburg University



  • 1. Tilburg University


The aim of this research is to construct an understanding of the variables that influences the development of local E governments. There is a lack of knowledge in which variables limits the local governmental bodies in The Netherlands in specific. Through an exploratory research design in which interviews are conducted with experts in the development of local E governments, new insights have been gathered. Through a judgement sampling design, interviewees are selected to gather the necessary data to come to the conclusions. The interviews have shown there are different variables to take into consideration, such as the specific characteristics of the city: whether it is a student or a tourist city for instance. Besides that, regulations concerning privacy and the high level of
customization make it harder to standardize processes in the local E government. Due to the limited number of interviewees, the
reliability of this research is low, however it gives deeper insights in the case study of the municipality in Roosendaal. Further research with a different sampling design, adding municipalities with a different focus (e.g. tourism and students), should be considered.
Throughout this paper E government will be
used for electronic government.


23effectiveintegrationofegovernmentacrossdutchmunicipalities_43021_263572_Final paper.pdf