Published October 31, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D4.1 Experimentation Tools and VNF Repository


This deliverable provides a first release of the 5G EVE portal tools for the design, specification, management and monitoring of experiments that verticals can execute over the 5G EVE platform to validate the behaviour and performance of their services in realistic 5G environments. The deliverable consists of two major compo-nents: (i) this document, which describes the concepts around 5G EVE experiments, providing also details about some of the portal components in support of them, and (ii) a number of software tools that help the 5G EVE experimenters in the different phases of the experiment definition, execution, and validation.
The document introduces 5G EVE experiments, identifying their phases (from the initial design, up to the exe-cution and validation steps) and roles of the different 5G EVE actors during a 5G EVE experiment typical lifecycle. Focus is on the different actions that can be performed through 5G EVE Portal, which provides a unified access to all 5G EVE services, across the entire multi-site platform. The expected interactions between 5G EVE actors and 5G EVE platform, through the Portal, are presented in detail for each experiment phase. Moreover, the deliverable reports also the design of the internal workflows regulating the communications among the functional components of the portal and the interactions with the other entities of the 5G EVE plat-form.
The deliverable provides also the description and the documentation for the experimentation tools in the scope of the Task T4.1 and Task T4.4 activities. In particular, this deliverable covers the following components: (i) the tools for experiment monitoring and results collection and storage; (ii) browse and look-up tools and (iii) the intent-based interface in support of experiment definition; (iv) the trouble ticketing tool to help experiment-ers and facilitate their interaction with the dedicated 5G EVE support teams; and (v) the VNF catalogue storing 5G EVE offerings, in terms of blueprints and descriptors of services and experiments. Some of these compo-nents are based on widely used open source software, which have been customized and configured to meet the specific requirements of the 5G EVE platform. Others have been developed in the context of the project reusing and extending, where possible, software prototypes resulting from previous phase 1 and phase 2 projects.



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European Commission
5G EVE – 5G European Validation platform for Extensive trials 815074