There is a newer version of the record available.

Published March 11, 2015 | Version 0.9
Software Open

OpenLB Release 0.9: Open Source Lattice Boltzmann Code


The OpenLB project provides a C++ package for the implementation of lattice Boltzmann methods (LBM) that is general enough to address a vast range of tansport problems, e.g. in computational fluid dynamics. The source code is publicly available and constructed in a well readable, modular way. This enables for a fast implementation of both simple academic test problems and advanced engineering applications. It is also easily extensible to include new physical content.

Official website:

Release comments:
user-friendly build-in pre-processing (geometry from stl or geometry primitives, automatic volume mesh generation and parallel setup), advanced parallelization for geometry handling as well as vtk-file output, functor concept further developed (geometrical primitives with arithmetic (+,*,-), strain rate, dissipation rate, velocity, pressure in SI units, flux, drag and lift functors, norm functors consider convergence in specific norms), new turbulence models, new parallel vtk-file output, updated and new examples, compatibility tested on Mac, Windows Cygwin, Ubuntu with gcc 4.8.2, 4.9.2 and intel 14.0.4



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