Published January 21, 2020 | Version v1.0
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SuperDARN grid files used to create the Thomas and Shepherd [2018] statistical convection model

  • 1. Dartmouth College


Daily Northern Hemisphere SuperDARN grid files in DataMap format for the years 2010-2016 (inclusive) used to create the Thomas and Shepherd [2018] statistical convection model. Grid files were processed using a modified copy of v4.2 of the Radar Software Toolkit (RST) where the average slant range associated with each grid vector is stored in the 'pwr.median' field.


  • Thomas, E. G., and S. G. Shepherd (2018), Statistical patterns of ionospheric convection derived from mid-latitude, high-latitude, and polar SuperDARN HF radar observations, J. Geophys. Res. Space Physics, 123, 3196-3216, doi:10.1002/2018JA025280.
  • SuperDARN Data Analysis Working Group. Participating members: Thomas, E. G., P. V. Ponomarenko, D. D. Billett, E. C. Bland, A. G. Burrell, K. Kotyk, A. S. Reimer, M. Schmidt, S. G. Shepherd, K. T. Sterne, and M.-T. Walach, (2018), SuperDARN Radar Software Tookit (RST) v4.2, Zenodo, doi:10.5281/zenodo.1403226.


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