Published January 20, 2020 | Version v1
Dataset Open

GENT900000165290 - Recueil d'édits, ordonnances, déclarations et reglemens, concernant le Duché de Luxembourg & Comté de Chiny

  • 1. Erasmus University Rotterdam; Ghent University
  • 2. KB National Library of the Netherlands


Titel: Recueil d'édits, ordonnances, déclarations et reglemens, concernant le Duché de Luxembourg & Comté de Chiny

Publisher: Chevalier

Place: Luxembourg.


Used version: The copy we used for the transcriptions is held at Ghent University.

Link digitised version of the book:

(Main) Language:French

Province: Luxembourg and Chiny


Model used: French_18thC_Print (public model in Transkribus)

Version of Transkribus used: v.1.9.1.

Other info: Abbyy FineReader v.11 has been used.

Link model: For more information on the HTR-model used, please visit:

Transcription conventions:

  • The abbreviations have been written out into full words.

  • The hyphens at the end of a line have been kept (when there).

If you are in need of the original scans of the documents, please contact

This transcription is part of the dataset created with the ‘Entangled Histories’-project.

PI: dr. C.A. Romein;
Scientific Programmer: S.F. Veldhoen, MSc;
Project Manager: drs. M. de Gruijter.



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