Published December 16, 2012 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Los programas de "Lingüística romance" entre 1924 y 1946: El giro dialectológico

  • 1. Instituto de Lingüística, UBA


This paper analyzes the syllabuses of the course “Romance Linguistics”, delivered at the Faculty of Philosophy and Letters in the University of Buenos Aires from 1924 through 1946. As we will try to demonstrate, the analyses of these syllabuses allow us to confirm the transformation process achieved, at a University teaching level, in the field of Hispanic Philology, since the academic activity developed in Argentina by Amado Alonso took place. In order to do so, we will review the historical conditions in which the chair of “Romance Linguistics” was created, and will analyze the syllabuses delivered by Agustín Millares Carlo (1924), Manuel de Montolíu (1925), Juan Chiabra (1926) and Amado Alonso (1928-1946). We conclude that the modifications observable among the syllabuses throughout the period considered allow us to record the movement from a historical-positivist paradigm – which regards language as a depersonalized and unspiritualized object– towards a synchronic-idealistic paradigm –which regards the subjective dimension in the contemplation of the linguistic phenomenon.



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