- 1. Lviv Polytechnic National University
- 2. Bukovinian State Medical University
- 3. National Nature Park "Vyzhnytsky"
We studied ways of ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational territories of a mountain ecosystem on the example of "Vizhnytsky" National Nature Park (NNP) in the Pokutsko-Bukovynian Carpathians. Existing approaches to ensuring of the environmental security of nature reserve objects have been analyzed. The characteristic of the study region has been given. We proposed the concept for ensuring of the environmental safety of recreational areas. Its base is analysis of components and identification of components, improvement of which would ensure the appropriate level of environmental safety of NPP. An algorithm has been constructed for theoretical and experimental studies for assessment of the sanitary-microbiological state of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and soils in the study area and their influence on the environmental safety of NPP.
We monitored sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere, atmosphere and soil and identified environmental threats to analyze the state of recreational territories of the mountain ecosystem. It is proposed to plan measures for intensification of biological natural processes of self-purification of surface water in the area of recreation territories to ensure preservation of the limited values of sanitary-microbiological and sanitary-environmental indicators of the hydrosphere. The results of atmospheric air monitoring in the area of the recreation territories indicated that the air ion content was 2.4 times higher, and the total microbial number was 1.5 times lower than in the territory of traditional farming. Therefore, the atmosphere of the recreation area does not require any technical measures to improve it. A system of engineering measures has been proposed for stabilization of environmental safety in the area of recreational territories (using the "Viya" fibrous carrier) for intensification of purification of surface water and disposal of wood waste by biofuel production.
Implementation of the proposed measures would help achieve stabilization of the environmental safety of the recreational territories of the mountain ecosystem
Analysis of environmental safety of recreational territories of mountain ecosystems and development of technical measures for its stabilization.pdf
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