Published January 8, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D5.1 - Initial Knowledge Infrastructure Functionalities and Services Implemented

  • 1. Edelweiss Connect
  • 2. University of Birmingham
  • 3. University College Dublin
  • 4. National Technical University of Athens
  • 5. NovaMechanics Ltd.
  • 6. Biomax Informatics AG
  • 7. Maastricht University


The scope of Work Package 5 (WP5) is the integration of the state-of-the-art tools for data management, mining, handling, analysis and predictive modelling to facilitate their joint provision as tools and services for Transnational Access (TA). To achieve this, a linked data approach is being utilised to exploit, extract, and integrate knowledge from all available information types (raw and processed experimental and modelling data, and metadata) to be captured in the NanoCommons Knowledge Base (KB). These tools, once linked and interoperable via the NanoCommons platform, will be made available to the nanosafety community either as standalone or through the NanoCommons TA open calls that will offer funded access to the tools and services offered by NanoCommons to develop tailored solutions for individual user or project’s data management needs. The TA calls will allow successful applicants to take advantage of the NanoCommons tools and services free-of-charge, including help to make their existing data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), to implement data management, mining, handling, analysis, visualisation and modelling workflows into their experimental design and data collection processes and to facilitate direct integration of resulting datasets into relevant databases (experimental and in silico) with all of the required metadata and semantic annotation. NanoCommons TA Users are thus becoming part of a wider attempt at cross-field and cross-data harmonisation, leading to increased data quality and thus better predictive models for nanosafety, thereby resulting in ground breaking insights and novel materials.
This advance in nanosafety and safe-by-design (SdD) NMs will also be facilitated through the further development of the existing tools and the design and creation of new tools to fill in any identified research gaps or lack of services. This deliverable (D5.1) presents the tools and respective services implemented during Year 1 within NanoCommons that are offered during the first TA call. Additional services will continue to be added to the NanoCommons portfolio and refinements to current services will also be made based on experience gained during the first round of TA provision.


D5.1 - Initial Knowledge Infrastructure Functionalities and Services Implemented.pdf

Additional details


European Commission
NanoCommons – The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators (NanoCommons) 731032