Published January 8, 2020 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

D2.1 - 1st Annual conference and nano-exploitation day, stakeholder workshop and User call

  • 1. University of Birmingham
  • 2. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology


This deliverable is part of Work Package 2 (WP2) Networking Activity 1: Community building, and it presents the actions performed by the NanoCommons consortium to address the need to build a nanoinformatics for safety community and bring together researchers from the different fields of nanosafety research in order to collectively move the field forward and bridge the gap between academic nanosafety informatics research and industry / regulatory adoption of the various nanoinformatics tools and approaches developed and/or made accessible via NanoCommons. The community approach will facilitate two-way communication between the various stakeholders and drive the co-development of nanoinformatics solutions for nanomaterials safety assessment and facilitate safe design of nanomaterials.
The community building actions planned, and delivered to date and thus reported here, are based on the feedback acquired from the EU NanoSafety Cluster (NSC) Steering Group (SG) and plenary meetings as the current NSC projects are some of the likely early adopters of the tools and solutions developed by NanoCommons. The actions promoted by the NanoCommons consortium are a mix of stakeholder workshops, webinars and the establishment of an annual nanosafety conference in collaboration with other NSC, national and international nanosafety projects. This deliverable report describes the actions taken in the first year of the project and outlines plans for the coming period.


D2.1 - 1st Annual conference and nano-exploitation day, stakeholder workshop and User call.pdf

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European Commission
NanoCommons – The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators (NanoCommons) 731032