Comparative Studies of Intra and Inter Specific Hybrid of F2 Generations in Mungbean
- 1. Agricultural College and Research Institute,Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Vazhavachanur, Thiruvannamalai, Tamil Nadu, India
Intra and interspecific hybridization was done for developing donor with respect to MYMV and Bruchids resistance. Several differences in many characters were observed in intra and interspecific hybrids crosses for certain characters. Among all the combination of both intra and interspecific crosses studied, single plant yield increased through only intra specific crosses attempted while resistance to biotic stresses like MYMV and bruchids were improved by interspecific crosses. Hence the utilization of wild species in crop improvement is very effective for donor development compared to intra specific crosses.
Keywords: Vigna radiata; Wild Vigna species Intra and Interspecific; Hybridization; Comparative Traits
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