Published June 30, 2019 | Version 1.0
Poster Open

First Results From the T_c Test Stand for Superconducting Thin-Film Coatings


The FCC Study is an international collaboration established, in the search for physics beyondthe Standard Model, to investigate the feasibility of a new circular collider. To this end, one major challenge is the development of SRF cavities, for which one of the possibilities is given by superconducting (SC) film coated copper cavities.It ist important to study the properties of these films such as the critical temperature Tc to assess their superconducting performance. The achievementof the literature values of Tc still represents a non-trivial goal for films on copper. In this work, we present and discuss the results from the first measurements performed with a dedicated test stand that has been commissioned at the Central Cryogenic Laboratory at CERN for the contactless, inductive measurement of the Tc of SC thin-film samples deposited on copper.



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EASITrain – European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training 764879
European Commission