Published December 25, 2019 | Version 1.0
Software Open

Direct surface wave radial anisotropy tomography package


  • 1. China University of Geosciences


Direct surface wave radial anisotropy tomography package (DSurfRTomo)

modified from
        DSurfTomo (

    see the following references for details

    Fang, H., Yao, H., Zhang, H., Huang, Y. C., & van der Hilst, R. D. (2015). Direct inversion of surface wave dispersion for three-dimensional shallow crustal structure based on ray tracing: methodology and application. Geophysical Journal International, 201(3), 1251-1263.


    Rawlinson, N. & Sambridge, M., 2004. Wave front evolution in strongly heterogeneous layered media using the fast marching method, Geophys. J. Int., 156(3), 631–647

please refer to:

        Hu, S., H. Yao, and H. Huang (2019), Direct surface wave radial
        anisotropy tomography in the crust of the eastern Himalayan
        syntaxis. Submitted

for details of this code


The dispersion data (ALLR.dat for Rayleigh wave
and ALLT.dat for Love wave), resulting model (DSurfRTomo.inMeasurement.dat)
in the crust of the eastern Himalayan syntaxis is provided in example/


output is
    : lon lat dep vsv gamma

For visualization,
to compute average shear wave velocity (vs) and radial anisotropy (xi)
using the following equaitons:

1.    vs=vsv*(1+gamma)/2.0              xi=2*(gamma-1)/(gamma)*100
2.    vs=vsv*sqrt((2+gamma^2)/3)        xi=gamma^2


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