Published December 21, 2019 | Version v1
Video/Audio Open

Recording of a learner of the Dutch language reading a Dutch position paper about Open Science in the Netherlands

  • 1. School of Data Science, University of Virginia


This repo contains a recording I made of me reading the position paper "Ruimte voor ieders talent" (Room for everyone's talent) upon first contact, albeit after having read the accompanying post "Erkennen en waarderen in de wetenschap gaan drastisch veranderen" by Sicco de Knecht, which provides a summary of the position paper and got me interested in knowing more. That post was not openly licensed, so my recording of reading it cannot be shared, but the position paper is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Netherlands license, which thus also pre-determines the licensing of this recording of me reading it.

The reason I am putting this out here is that I am interested in sharing knowledge in general, including the process of how it was acquired, which is usually not very visible, even if all the relevant teaching materials are available, which is getting more popular but still remains rare overall. For the same reasons, by the way, I am running a GitHub repo about my progress in learning programming and querying languages.

I have no training in Dutch but am a native speaker of German and fluent in English, through which I can understand Dutch texts fairly easily, and I have read a good number of them (including books but more frequently Wikipedia articles) silently over multiple years, which gave me some idea about how the language works.

What is usually neglected when reading silently is pronunciation, e.g. while I passively know how numbers and letters are pronounced in Dutch, I normally read them in English or German when reading Dutch texts silently, since that is quicker and less effort for me, and most of the reading I do is to learn about content, not the respective languages.

With the bit of extra time afforded by the present holiday period, I can give some more attention to the language part, and since the topic of the position paper (open science and how we need to adapt incentive structures in the research landscape around that) is one that I deeply care about, I could also imagine coming back to the text occasionally to track my progress over time.

So if you are interested in the process of language acquisition or in second language acquisition (for me, though, Dutch is far from being second) and especially in open education or open science around these topics, I'd appreciate you getting in touch to learn from each other around how such materials can help me and others learn this language or anything else, and how the workflows around that could be streamlined.


Erkennen en waarderen in de wetenschap.wav

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