Published June 27, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Evaluation of Efficiency and Performances of Building Materials used in Sudan Combined with Lead as the Gamma Ray Shieldings


In this study the linear attenuation coefficient µ and the half value layer HVL of some building materials like iron, concrete, cement and clay used in Sudan as a combined with the lead have been investigated, the results have been experimentally determined using Cs 137 and Co 60 source and compared with the theoretical values. The measurements were performed for radiation intensity without shielding and with specific thickness of selected samples using ion chamber placed at 2 meters from Cs 137 and Co 60. An obtained results showed that the linear attenuation coefficient µ has a linear relationship with the corresponding densities of the samples studied and inversely with photon energy, and the half value layer HVL was proportional directly with photon energy. As a results of this evaluation the lead combined with the selected materials as indicated above showed an improvement the efficiency of building materials as the gamma ray shielding. M. D. M. Ali | M. E M. Eisa | A. E. El Faki | A. Hamed | A. A. Beineen "Evaluation of Efficiency and Performances of Building Materials used in Sudan Combined with Lead as the Gamma Ray Shieldings" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-3 | Issue-4 , June 2019, URL:


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