Published December 18, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Innovative Assessment in Optional Courses

  • 1. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University of Chisinau


The article refers to summative assessment as such, regardless of the taxonomy of the competences the teacher is targeting when designing the tasks. Doubtlessly, it will be the various aspects of the specific competence, such as knowledge, skills, life skills, learning capabilities, and communicative competences, that will come to the foreground – or, more narrowly, aspects of linguistic competence (which are, according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, vocabulary, grammar, semantics, phonology, orthography, and orthoepy). The author discriminates between terms from the docimology and doxology domains: formative and forming assessment, diagnostic assessment, summative assessment, and certification assessment. Furthermore, variants of conceptualizing assessment through optional courses are proposed.


T.Cartaleanu_Innovative Assessment in Optional Courses.pdf

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