Published August 2, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Image Compression Using Fractal Dimension Based on Quadtree Fuzzy Logic Method


We have made image photo compression the use of efficient fuzzy good judgment on this research. We have used quadtree set of rules for this motive. We choose fuzzy common sense primarily based method as fuzzy good judgment is taken into consideration strong tool to deal with vagueness. When photos are indistinct in phrases of pixel values fuzzy common sense is taken into consideration appropriate common sense for its analysis. In proposed technique one domain block is taken into consideration for every range block and searched best for matched comparison scaling. So effects fractal code does now not contain coordinates of matched area block. Quadtree set of rules can be here applied in such case and length of range block may be minimized as small as 2x2 pixels. Proposed research offers with integration of quad tree algorithm with traditional DCT primarily based fractal photo compression as a way to produce higher compression ratio PSNR with less compression error. Our fundamental goal is to review the photograph of excessive compression and backbone and which will compress it we use a novice algorithm and implements it in photograph so that the pixels of the photo got compressed. In order to reap this objective we use Fuzzy Logic. Rachna Srivastava | Yogesh Pal "Image Compression Using Fractal Dimension Based on Quadtree Fuzzy Logic Method" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-5 , August 2018, URL:


17 Image Compression using Fractal dimension based on quad tree fuzzy logic method.pdf