Published December 12, 2019
| Version v1.1.0-2
SHARPy: A dynamic aeroelastic simulation toolbox for very flexible aircraft and wind turbines
- 1. Imperial College London
- 2. Imperial College
SHARPy 1.1 introduces mainly changes in the software installation process and code structuring.
Most relevant changes:
- SHARPy is now installed with CMake rather than individual compilation of libraries
- xbeam and UVLM are now included as git-submodules, providing better tracking of the relevant versions of each library.
- Incorporates fixes and suggestions from the JOSS review
Full Changelog for v1.1:
1.1 (2019-12-12)
Implemented enhancements:
- Improvements to Model Reduction #56 (ngoiz)
- Submodules and cmake build tools instead of Makefiles #52 (fonsocarre)
- New settings check against valid options #39 (ngoiz)
- Default settings get type specified for the setting rather than their own type #34 (ngoiz)
Fixed bugs:
- Default value not correct in documentation when it is a numpy type. #32
- Documentation for Postprocessors being skipped by Sphinx in RTD #30
Closed issues:
- Minor documentation issues #53
- WindTurbine case generation script does not produce sharpy file #50
- Considerations for building SHARPy #47
- Installation fails on macOS with Intel compiler #46
- fails in Docker container #37
- Compare to other competing software in JOSS paper #36
Merged pull requests:
- Example wind turbine #58 (ArturoMS13)
- Small typo in and updates to it #57 (fonsocarre)
- Restructuring of A Short Guide to SHARPy #55 (ngoiz)
- JOSS Paper Minor typos fixed #54 (ngoiz)
- Update .solver.txt extension to .sharpy #51 (ArturoMS13)
- Fix typo in unittests using tearDowns instead of tearDown #49 (ngoiz)
- Bug fixes in installation docs #45 (rafmudaf)
- Updated installation instructions #44 (ngoiz)
- Travis CI now uses the minimal environment, the same as the Docker build #42 (fonsocarre)
- Remove calls to matplotlib (or wrap in try except) #41 (ngoiz)
- Added information about competing software in JOSS paper #40 (fonsocarre)
- Removes deprecated case files from cases folder #38 (ngoiz)
- Change position of --name argument in docs #35 (petebachant)
- Improvements in documentation #31 (ngoiz)
* This Changelog was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
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