Published December 10, 2019 | Version 5.3a
Software Open

1D Electrochemical Model for Lithium Ion Capacitors in Comsol

  • 1. Imperial College London


Lithium ion capacitor is an electrochemical energy storage device with optimum energy density, power density and longer cycle life. A 1D-electrochemical model for activated carbon (AC)/ lithium titanium oxide (LTO) based lithium ion capacitor was built in COMSOL multiphyisics, v5.3a. The model was used to generate the data in an open-access paper: How to Design Lithium Ion Capacitor: Modelling, Mass Ratio of Electrodes and Pre-lithiation, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2020, 167. (  The model can be used to optimize the mass ratio of electrodes and pre-lithiation level. It can be extended to study the capacity fade in the devices.


Funding: Innovate UK - Advanced Lithium Ion Capacitors and Electrodes (ALICE) Project - 102655


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