Published April 30, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Deliverable No. 6.4 Start with the archiving and dissemination of YOPP Analysis and Forecast Dataset

  • 1. ECMWF


In the framework of APPLICATE (WP6, Task 6.2), operational model output from the ECMWF Integrated Forecast System (IFS) will be archived and made available for the APPLICATE team and the scientific community for a period relevant for the Year of Polar Prediction (YOPP). This global dataset will allow performing detailed process studies and model error analysis that can help understanding the roots of model biases and forecast failures, and thus advance predictions in the Arctic and beyond. The work necessary to prepare, to archive and to disseminate the new ECMWF YOPP dataset was successfully completed and is described in this deliverable (D6.4) report. The dataset contains for now selected atmospheric variables from the control of the operational ECWMF ensemble forecasting system, at a resolution of approximately 18 km, for the period May 2017 to present. These variables are archived up to a forecast lead time of 15 days, with a 3 hourly resolution. The dataset is continuously fed as time progresses and will ultimately cover a two year period from mid-2017 to mid-2019. The preparatory work necessary to archive model tendencies from physical and dynamical tendencies, which are not archived operationally, has also been completed and these tendencies will be added in the near future to the dataset.

The ECMWF YOPP dataset can be accessed through a web portal, and is described at:



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APPLICATE – Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: Modelling, observing system design and LInkages associated with ArctiC ClimATE change 727862
European Commission