Published November 3, 2019 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

VerbAtlas: a Novel Large-Scale Verbal Semantic Resource and ItsApplication to Semantic Role Labeling

  • 1. Sapienza University of Rome


VerbAtlas is a new, hand-crafted lexical-semantic resource whose goal is to bring together all verbal synsets from WordNet into semantically-coherent frames. The frames define a common, prototypical argument structure while at the same time providing new concept-specific information. In contrast to PropBank, which defines enumerative semantic roles, VerbAtlas comes withan explicit, cross-frame set of semantic roles linked to selectional preferences expressed in terms of WordNet synsets, and is the first resource enriched with semantic information about implicit, shadow, and default arguments.


VerbAtlas: a Novel Large-Scale Verbal Semantic Resource and ItsApplication to Semantic Role Labeling.pdf

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ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure 731015
European Commission