There is a newer version of the record available.

Published December 9, 2019 | Version v2.2.0
Software Open

JuliaStats/MixedModels.jl: v2.2.0

  • 1. University of Wisconsin
  • 2. Rutgers University
  • 3. University of Virginia
  • 4. @JuliaComputing
  • 5. Franch Institute for Demographic Studies (Ined)
  • 6. Duke University
  • 7. University of Copenhagen
  • 8. Massey University
  • 9. Julia Computing
  • 10. UNC Epidemiology



  • Repository now owned by the JuliaStats organization ## New Features
  • New zerocorr function for individual random-effects terms
  • VarCorr display shows systematic zeros in correlations as .
  • Allow recent versions of BlockArrays and StatsFuns
  • Use of properties as extractors for output of parametricbootstrap
  • Parsing of model formula employs new capabilities of the StatsModels formula system



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