Published December 5, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

BioExcel Deliverable D3.5 – Consultancy Modalities and Funding Options, Final Update

  • 1. University of Edinburgh
  • 2. IHC Consulting
  • 3. KTH Royal Institute of Technology
  • 4. Utrech University
  • 5. EMBL-EBI
  • 6. Max-Planck Gesellschaft
  • 7. Juelich Supercomputing Center
  • 8. Forward Technologies
  • 9. University of Manchester
  • 10. Utrecht University


This document follows on from D3.3 “Consultancy Modalities and Funding Options, Half- Time Update”. It is intended to be read in conjunction with D3.3, as it does not aim to repeat the content therein. The structure of the documents is similar, to allow cross- referencing. It aims to relate the more theoretical list of modalities presented in D3.3 with specific activities undertaken in the project.

BioExcel has used several modalities in activities aimed at the wider community including web pages, a discussion/feedback forum, workflow portals of different types (including software-as-a-service, and those providing access to workflow components), white papers, webinars, face-to-face meetings of various kinds (including Interest Group meetings, workshops, a community forum meeting and multiple face-to-face training courses), online meetings and calls.

Fewer of the modalities categorised as being important for professional products and services have been evaluated in BioExcel-1, as they are particularly difficult to offer successfully with a relatively small pool of experts. One modality however, bespoke training, has been piloted with an industry customer and deemed to be very successful.

The modalities described above were complemented by informal discussions at meetings and other academic interactions of the partners. Project partner UU also took part in the D3R challenge, raising their profile and that of the Centre of Excellence (CoE).

The modalities that have been used successfully in BioExcel-1 will be built on through the addition of several other modalities in BioExcel-2, which includes tasks focused on use cases, community participation, in-depth support, work on standards and best practice, and more.

BioExcel has explored a range of modalities during its work with the user community. Learning from BioExcel-1, BioExcel-2 plans to continue the most successful activities, and adopt several new modalities in order to continue its work to engage with the community. The CoE is clearly moving towards a second phase: In BioExcel-1 relationships have been established, and groundwork laid. In BioExcel-2 we will build on this to engage more deeply with the community.

A key lesson from BioExcel-1 has been the value of using multiple modalities to work with a given individual, organisation or group. There are certainly different modalities that work better with different groups, but probably more important is having the flexibility to combine these in ways which fit with the work that is being undertaken over a period of time. In BioExcel-2 we have sought to continue this process by placing a greater emphasis on a support team that can balance its time between engagement events and more specific support in response to user need.


D3.5 - Consultancy Modalities and Funding Options, Final Update.pdf

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BioExcel – Centre of Excellence for Biomolecular Research 675728
European Commission