Published December 4, 2019 | Version 1.0.2
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SAFIM: Semi-Analytical Floating Iceberg Model

  • 1. MINES ParisTech, PSL University, CNRS, France
  • 2. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France


  • 1. Anne
  • 2. Olivier
  • 3. Amandine


This is a Python implementation of Semi-Analytical Floating Iceberg Model. It models capsize of unstable icebergs in free ocean (without constraints), the model includes gravity, hydrostatic water pressure, added mass effect, and pressure drag. The integration in time is made by Störmer-Verlet method.



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  • Sergeant, A., Yastrebov, V. A., Mangeney, A., Castelnau, O., Montagner, J. P., & Stutzmann, E. (2018). Numerical modeling of iceberg capsizing responsible for glacial earthquakes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 123(11), 3013-3033.doi: 10.1029/2018JF004768
  • Sergeant, A., Mangeney, A., Yastrebov, V. A., Walter, F., Montagner, J.-P., Castelnau, O., Stutzmann, E., Bonnet, P., Ralaiarisoa, V. J.-L., Bevan, S. and Luckman, A. (2019) "Monitoring Greenland ice sheet buoyancy-driven calving discharge using glacial earthquakes," Annals of Glaciology. Cambridge University Press, 60(79), pp. 75–95. doi: 10.1017/aog.2019.7.