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Published December 4, 2019 | Version v1.1
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Data for the seismological studies on the 2017 MW5.5 Pohang earthquake


# written by J.-U. Woo
Data includes [1] cut seismogram provided from the Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA), Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM), and Korea Hydro & Nuclear Power (KHNP), [2] an example of waveform cross-correlation, [3] phase arrival times, [4] cross-correlation measurements, and [5-7] three earthquake catalogs (1-3).

Suggested citation:
1. J.‐U. Woo, M. Kim, D.‐H. Sheen, T.‐S. Kang, J. Rhie, F. Grigoli, W.L. Ellsworth, D. Giardini, 2019, An In‐Depth Seismological Analysis Revealing a Causal Link Between the 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang Earthquake and EGS Project, JGR solid earth, doi:10.1029/2019JB018368.

Further suggested citations:

2. W.L. Ellsworth, D. Giardini, J. Townend, S. Ge, and T. Shimamoto, 2019, Triggering of the Pohang, Korea, Earthquake (Mw 5.5) by Enhanced Geothermal System Stimulation. Seismological Research Letters, 90(5), 1844-1858.

3. K.-K. Lee, W.L. Ellsworth, D. Giardini, J. Townend, S. Ge, T. Shimamoto, I.-W. Yeo, T.-S. Kang, J. Rhie, D.-H. Sheen, C. Chang, J.-U. Woo, C. Langenbruch, 2019, Managing injection-induced seismic risks. Science, 364(6442), 730-732.

4. C. Langenbruch, W. L. Ellsworth, J.-U. Woo and D. J. Wald, 2020, Value at Induced Risk: Injection-induced seismic risk from low-probability, high-impact events. Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2019GL085878.

[1] Cut seismogram ("wf_cut.gz"): Each sac file is named as "(station name).(event ID of catalog1).(component; E/N/Z).sac".
 - Zero-padding may be applied to some waveforms.
[2] An example of waveform cross-correlation ("wf_cc.gz"): See the README.txt in "wf_cc.gz" for details
[3] Phase arrival times ("phphase.txt"):
 - First column: event ID of catalog1
 - Second column: station name
 - Third column: yyyymmddHHMMDD (year, month, day of month, hour, minute)
 - Fourth and fifth columns: P-wave arrivals in second (N/A: non available)
 - Sixth and seventh columns: S-wave arrivals in second (N/A: non available)
[4] Waveform cross-correlation data ("phcc.txt"):
 - First column: event 1 ID
 - Second column: event 2 ID
 - Third column: station name
 - Fourth column: arrival time difference between event 1 and event2. The arrival time differences should be added to the arrivals of the event 2 to make maximum cross-correlation coefficients. See the details in [2].
 - Fifth column: waveform cross-correlation coefficient after alignment
 - Sixth column: two letters for component (E/N/Z) & phase(P/S), repectively
[5] Earthquake catalog 1 ("catalog1.txt") for initial locations
[6] Earthquake catalog 2 ("catalog2.txt") for final locations
[7] Earthquake catalog 3 ("catalog3.txt") regarding to the determined focal mechanisms



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Additional details


  • Woo et al. (2019). An In‐Depth Seismological Analysis Revealing a Causal Link Between the 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang Earthquake and EGS Project, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi:10.1029/2019JB018368
  • Ellsworth et al. (2019). Triggering of the Pohang, Korea, Earthquake (MW 5.5) by Enhanced Geothermal System Stimulation. Seismological Research Letters, 90(5), 1844-1858.
  • Lee et al. (2019). Managing injection-induced seismic risks. Science, 364(6442), 730-732.