Published June 15, 2008 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Retrofitting of a school with an integral aspect

  • 1. (Fraunhoferstr. 10)


But school buildings are different from residential buildings. Therefore the attempt make only airtight and well insulated building envelope is not sufficient, because this one-sided approach forces a false user behaviour which partly wrecks the target energy savings and environmental protection again. During the school year 2006/2007 environment measurements (energy consumption, IAQ, acustics, etc) were carried in a school closed to Munich and an integral retrofitting strategy was developed. For the first time all relevant, not only energy saving, factors were taken into the account. A special focus was laid on the future student performance.


Presenters: name: Andreas Holm affiliation: (Fraunhoferstr. 10) email:



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