Published May 20, 2015 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

OCCI and TTCN-3: Towards a standardized Cloud quality assessment framework

  • 1. bwcon GmbH


Impacting basically all types of IT infrastructures The Cloud is one of the most important evolving IT paradigms. A standard-based Cloud quality and compliance assessment framework will be therefore of utmost importance. Bringing together the Open Cloud Computing Interface OCCI and the ETSI standardized test specification language TTCN-3 and related test methodologies this paper is going to demonstrate initial steps towards such a framework. Taking into account the diversity of Cloud infrastructures, of service providers, and related architectural, harmonization and standardization effort this approach is mainly motivated by studying Cloud-related effort of the NIST Cloud Computing Program and the ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination (CSC). Reflecting the “Cloudiness” of the Software Defined Network (SDN) and ETSI Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) this paper is considering these initiatives as necessary elements of the scope of every future standardized Cloud quality assessment framework as well.



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CloudSocket – Business and IT-Cloud Alignment using a Smart Socket 644690
European Commission