Published December 5, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Aanvullingen en corrigenda bij de gedocumenteerde checklist van de veenmossen in Vlaanderen

  • 1. Werkgroep Bryologie en Lichenologie
  • 2. KULeuven, Laboratorium voor Plantenconservatie en Populatiebiologie


The publication, in 2017, of a documented checklist of peat mosses in Flanders has led to the discovery of new sites of rare peat moss species. Sphagnum quinquefarium and S. girgensohnii have been confirmed for Flanders, S. contortum is new for the Sand-Sandloam Region and S. teres has been confirmed for the latter Region. Some erroneous records of S. angustifolium have been deleted. New data have been added for the very rare S. russowii, S. subsecundum and S. riparium.



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