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Published October 15, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Socio-Cultural Life and Economic Characteristics of Fisher (Women) Kanyakumari Coast, Tamilnadu

  • 1. Research Scholar, Department of Geography Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai (India)


This article is an Economic and  sher activities of women in Kanyakumari coastal
villages are analyzed. Fishing is a major sector in coastal state of Tamilnadu;
Fisheries are an important sector of food. Who constitute approximately half of
the Kanyakumari population (39%) Fishing Activities in a working woman. Women
employment is very often more precarious and less well paid than men’s. There has
been seen considerable progress worldwide in advancing women’s economic, social
cultural rights. Social scientists development practitioners have long been interested
in the conditions that empower women. Study an attempt has been made about the
involvement of  sheries women in their economic development. The parameters
are taken for the development of  sher women status are,  sher men death-related
bene ts, awareness about women self- help groups, membership of women selfhelp
groups, and bene ts from self help groups. The early studies, particularly of
late Nineteenth century anthropologists had recorded women’s participation in all
aspects of social, economic, political and religious aspects as they were but not
emphases data were presented fewer than three Broad heads, such as procurement,
sale of  sh (wet) and dry  sh and sale. Each head is further sub head according to
the info pertaining the type of marketing or domestic level besides the economic
are dealt in detail to draw the domestic and entrepreneurial tenacities. Economic
and  sher activities of women in coastal villages are analyzed using the simple
statistical technique. This study is based on the primary datasets and the output
maps are prepared by the ArcGIS 10.2 software.



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