Published November 18, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Vir is to Moderatus as Mulier is to Intemperans - Lemma Embeddings for Latin

  • 1. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore


Presentation at CLiC-it 2019 - Sixth Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics.

This paper presents a new set of lemma embeddings for the Latin language. Embeddings are trained on a manually annotated corpus of texts belonging to the Classical era: different models, architectures and dimensions are tested and evaluated using a novel benchmark for the synonym selection task. A qualitative evaluation is also performed on the embeddings of rare lemmas. In addition, we release vectors pre-trained on the “Opera Maiora” by Thomas Aquinas, thus providing a resource to analyze Latin in a diachronic perspective.



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LiLa – Linking Latin. Building a Knowledge Base of Linguistic Resources for Latin 769994
European Commission