Published June 25, 2010 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Occurrence and Distribution of Antibiotic Resistance in Artic Bacteria to Enviromental Antibiotic Exposure and Human Fecal Contamination

  • 1. Department of Systems Biology Technical University of Denmark Denmark
  • 2. National Food Institute Technical University of Denmark Denmark
  • 1. Department of Civil Engineering Technical University of Denmark Denmark
  • 2. n/a


Sewage treatment plants are lacking in Sisimiut (Greenland). Thus, untreated wastewater from Sisimiut´s hospital containing active antibiotics is discharged directly into the sea. The effect of the antibiotic contamination in the marine ecosystem was investigated. Bacteria with acquired resistance towards several antibiotics were found in the contaminated site, including potential human pathogens. The presence of bacteria with acquired antibiotic resistance is a problem for both the marine ecosystem and human health, as well as a threat for the consumers of Greenlandic fish and, therefore, for the Greenlandic economy.



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