There is a newer version of the record available.

Published November 7, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Restricted

Briefing Documents on Implementation of the EU Digital Single Market (DSM) Directive for Libraries

  • 1. Chair of LIBER Copyright and Legal Matters Working Group; Researcher at Bournemouth University's Centre for Intellectual Property Policy & Management
  • 2. Legal Advisor, Berlin State Library


LIBER's Copyright & Legal Matters Working Group provides guidance to research library staff and academics on the implementation of the EU's new Digital Single Market Directive. Our goal is ensure that librarians, academics, researchers and their representative organisations have enough knowledge to:

  • Become involved in their country’s national implementation of the Directive (or continue participating in this process);
  • Attend meetings or respond to government implementation of the Directive;
  • Understand the details of the new Directive and how it might help their library offer new services.

The materials attached to this Zenodo record include factsheets, slide presentations and webinar recordings related to the national implementation of the new Directive.

Because of the confidental nature of some discussions around the directive, access to these documents is restricted. Please request access via this page by sharing with us your name and institution.



The record is publicly accessible, but files are restricted to users with access.

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You need to satisfy these conditions in order for this request to be accepted:

Access to these documents will be granted to all librarians (regardless of type of library) and library associations, as well as to academics and research organisations. Please share your name, organisation and job title, so that we can verify you work in a relevant organisation or sector. 

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