Published September 16, 2019 | Version 1
Dataset Open

Pretty Deep Maps: a detailed all-sky astronomical atlas



The Pretty Deep Maps astronomical atlas is a large hyperlinked collection of charts and indices in PDF format covering the entire sky, in the main to a magnitude of 18, with star-dense sections at a lower magnitude, and selected regions to a deeper magnitude. The atlas is intended as a convenient, portable, deep visual representation of all-sky astronomical datasets, and can be used for tasks such as identification of objects in photographs and observation planning. The charts plot approximately 117k bright stars, 600 million field stars, 2.4 million galaxies, 277k variable stars, 110k multiple stars, 168k quasars, 8955 galaxy groups, 5250 galaxy clusters, 5004 dark nebulae, 2411 planetary nebulae, 1249 bright nebulae, 2167 open clusters, 159 reflection nebulae and 157 globular clusters. The celestial sphere is divided into 6787 charts, each covering 3 degrees of declination at a map scale of 11.74" per mm. Charts employ a gnomonic projection. The charts are accompanied by a set of sortable indices. The atlas can be used on any device with a PDF reader capable of supporting within- and cross-document links. 

The dataset is described in a detailed technical document (guide.pdf). 


The charts are distributed in seven zip files, organised by Northern hemisphere seasons and circumpolarity, along with a set of index files. All files should be placed into a single directory when unzipped. Opening any of the PDFs provides access to the entire resource. It is not necessary to download all files. For instance, northern hemisphere observers may not need to download the circumpolar_south zip, and vice versa. The entire resource requires about 9G of storage. Mapping of zip files to constellations: circumpolar_north: CAM CEP UMI UMA DRA CAS LYN circumpolar_south: OCT PAV HYI CHA APS MUS CAR MEN VOL CRU TRA TUC DOR GRU VEL RET HOR PIC ARA IND CAE CIR NOR TEL MIC PHE winter: AUR CMA COL PUP GEM TAU ORI LEP CNC MON PYX CMI spring: CVN LMI LEO SEX CRT ANT BOO COM VIR CRV CEN HYA summer: HER CRB SER OPH SCO LUP LIB CYG LYR VUL SGE DEL AQL CRA SCT SGR autumn: LAC PEG AQR PSA CAP EQU PER AND TRI ARI PSC ERI CET FOR SCL


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