Published October 29, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Contributions of sociometabolic research to sustainability science


The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and other high-level agreements acknowledge the linked nature of social and biophysical systems. This Review explains one research tradition, sociometabolic research, that explores these links. Sociometabolic research uses methods from systems science and allied areas to study the biophysical basis of economic activity. The authors use tangible examples from recent research to demonstrate strengths and weaknesses and then explore future directions.


Haberl_etal_2019_Contributions..._Nature Sustainability_ERC_Postprint.pdf

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GELUC: Greenhouse gas effects of global land-use competition P 29130
FWF Austrian Science Fund
MAT_STOCKS – Understanding the Role of Material Stock Patterns for the Transformation to a Sustainable Society 741950
European Commission