Published October 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open

The No. 1 Key Competence: A Number of Didactic Strategies to Help with the Learning of Terminology

  • 1. "Ion Creanga" State Pedagogical University of Chisinau


The article focuses on a number of didactic strategies that may be used to help students learn scientific terminology in the Mathematics and Science curricular area. Based on examples from the 2019 school curriculum for Science (5th grade), it is shown how the building of an active terminological vocabulary may be facilitated starting with the first gymnasium grade. The suggested didactic approaches include etymologization, learning in pairs, writing on an axis, arranging in a table, anonymization, synonymizing, and analysis of derivative structure; these require a knowledge of both the language of instruction and metacognitive strategies. The examples used in the article are quoted from the list of new language elements prescribed by the curriculum. Such vocabulary work techniques are necessary for the building of the following specific competence: 1. Identifying the causes of phenomena, processes, and relations in the environment, demonstrating correct use of specific linguistic elements. 


