There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 31, 2019 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Quarterly newsletters, social media posts and updates

  • 1. Autorità di Bacino Distrettuale delle Alpi Orientali
  • 2. Stichting IHE DELFT Institute for Water Education
  • 3. River Restoration Centre
  • 4. Earthwatch


This deliverable describes the initial communication strategy of MICS, which is made of two parts: (1) a regular, quarterly newsletter will inform about news, events and recent publications; (2) posts and updates on various social-media channels, aimed at reaching out to a wider public and getting them interested in the project and its results, as well as keeping stakeholders up-to-date with the progress of the project.


To cite this document: Betterle, A., Ceccaroni, L., Janes , M., When, U. & Williams, C. (January 2019). D5.8 Quarterly newsletters, social media posts and updates. Deliverable report of project H2020 MICS (grant agreement No 824711)


D5.8 Quarterly newsletters, social media posts and updates 2019_01_31.pdf