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Published September 30, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Azerbaijan State Scientific Research Institute of Labor Protection and Technical Safety


Tightness, as well as the reliability of the valve plate, is a complex property of the effective operation of compressor cylinders of the first stage and, in general, gas-engine reciprocating compressors. The issue of valve plate tightness is a subject of independent study, since technical and economic efficiency depends on their work. In this connection, only some data obtained under operating conditions are presented in this work.

As a research result, it is found that, taking into account the identified requirements for the gas lift system, in order to effectively increase the operating hours of valves with increased tightness of the plate, it is necessary to check and purge the valves. Therefore, each valve in the gas lift compressor station, without subjecting them to cleaning, is first recommended to check for leaks. To confirm the feasibility of checking valve tightness, special equipment is offered for each gas-lift compressor station, a purge chamber, on which the tightness of valve plates is checked.

The usefulness and importance of the purge chamber is in preparation of the valve at the gas lift compressor station, which contributes to increased efficiency, safe operation, normal tightness and reliability of its operation.



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