Bizarrifrons wecksteini Valim and Palma, sp. nov.
Bizarrifrons wecksteini Valim and Palma, sp. nov.
(Figs 24–30)
Type host: Psarocolius bifasciatus bifasciatus (Spix, 1824) —Amazonian oropendola
Diagnosis. Within the magus -group, this species is morphologically close to B. magus in the length of the conus at most reaching the end of the first antennal segment (Figs 24, 25). The conus is longer than the first antennal segment in the remaining species of this species group (B. francisi, B. clayae and B. meinertzhageni). However, Bizarrifrons wecksteini sp. nov. can be easily distinguished from B. magus by the configuration of the mesomere in the male genitalia (compare Figs 13 and 28), the number of setae on tergites VII–VIII, and by the coloration of tergite IX+X in females.
Description. Male. Habitus as in Fig. 24, coloration similar to Fig. 5. Anterior portion of the head distinctly asymmetric (Fig. 24). Conus long, at most reaching the distal margin of the scape. Antennal flagellomeres distinctly more pigmented than the pedicel, the latter slightly more pigmented than the scape. Pterothorax with the posterior margin brownish and with 7–9 setae on each side. Episterna II and III strongly pigmented. Tergites well developed, with their internal margins rounded, except for VII–VIII slightly pointed; with distinct pigmentation, except for large round areas around the spiracles. Postspiracular setae present on segments IV–VII, with alveoli only on IV and V. Tergal chaetotaxy uniform with some individual variation, as follows (on each side): II–III with 1 innermost posterior seta; IV–V with 1 innermost posterior seta and a postspiracular setae (rarely with 1 postspiracular accessory only on one side of the IV or V segment); VI with 1 inner posterior, 2–4 (rarely 1 in one side) outer posterior, a postspiracular setae and 1 postspiracular accessory; VII with 1 inner posterior, 5–7 outer posterior, 1 postspiracular setae and 1 postspiracular accessory (rarely missing the postspiracular accessory in one side); VIII with 9–12 posterior and a trichobothrium latero-posterior; IX+X with 11–15 setae, 1 (rarely 2 only on one side) of them longer than the others. The postero-internal angle of tergites VII–IX+X distinctly bent downwards; tergites IX+X as a very narrow, sclerotized band tapering proximally (Fig. 26). One pair of sclerites around the genital opening, small and centrally positioned, sub-rounded to sub-square, the second anterior pair present but barely distinguishable as a small and thin sclerotized band (Fig. 26). Sternal plates on II–VI well developed, laterally rounded and well pigmented. Sternal chaetotaxy (on each side): segments II–VI with 1 medium long setae. Paratergal chaetotaxy (on each side): segments II–III without setae; IV–V, 2 setae (three setae on both sides in one paratype); VI–VIII, 3; IX+X, 2 (rarely 1 in one side); terminal segment with 4–5 setae on dorsal and ventral sides. Genitalia as in Fig. 28; subgenital plate as in Fig. 27, with distinct fenestrae in one paratype (DNA voucher, see Figs 26 and 27), but the subgenital plate in other specimens was not clearly distinguishable due to their pale colouration (Fig. 24). The paratype specimen referred above has a long seta on only one side of the subgenital plate (Figs 26 and 27); this seta is absent in all other specimens and in other species of Bizarrifrons. Measurements (n = 4): POL, 0.28–0.31; POW, 0.37–0.39; TW, 0.52–0.55; HL, 0.57–0.61; DPW, 0.09–0.11; PW, 0.32–0.35; MW, 0.48–0.52; AWV, 0.62–0.69; BAL, 0.20–0.25; PL, 0.13–0.15; GW, 0.14–0.16; GL, 0.34–0.38; TL, 1.69–1.79. Female. Habitus as in Fig. 25, coloration similar to Fig. 6. Head as in Fig. 25. Similar to the male, but differing in tergal chaetotaxy and terminal segments. Tergites IX+X medially fused, with a shallow anterior notch in the midline and largely white in colouration (Figs 25 and 29). Tergal chaetotaxy (on each side): segments II–III with 1 innermost posterior seta; IV–VII with 1 innermost posterior seta and a postspiracular setae; VIII with 1 innermost posterior seta and a trichobothrium latero-posterior; IX+X with 4 setae (three in one side), 3 (or one) of them small, only reaching the terminal plates, and 2 very long, reaching beyond the end of the abdomen. Postero-internal angle of each tergite II–VIII truncated, roughly square. Subgenital plate tapering from its rounded base (Fig. 30), with 3–4 small setae laterad, on each side (Fig. 29). Vulvar margin with 9–10 short marginal setae, and 11–13 short spiniform submarginal setae forming a single row on the distal margin, on each side (Fig. 29). Measurements (n = 1): POL, 0.31; POW, 0.39; TW, 0.57; HL, 0.63; DPW, 0.11; PW, 0.34; MW, 0.52; AWV, 0.70; TL, 2.24.
Remarks. Uncorrected p -distances between Bizarrifrons wecksteini sp. nov. and B. picturatus (see below) were 16% for the COI gene, and 1% for EF-1ɑ. These are the first DNA sequences published for any species of Bizarrifrons. The great percentage divergence for COI indicates a high degree of genetic distinctiveness between these taxa, as already shown for species within another genus of the Brueelia -complex (e.g. Valim & Weckstein 2011).
Type material. Male holotype, ex Psarocolius bifasciatus bifasciatus, PPBIO 120 MPEG 61970; BRAZIL: Pará, Portel, FLONA do Caxiuanã, Plot PPBIO (01°57' S; 51°36'W), 17.I.2007, J.D. Weckstein coll. Paratypes: 4 males (one DNA voucher Bisp.Psbi.8.25.2011.2) and 1 female, same data as holotype. Two paratype males (which include the DNA voucher) in FMNH, the remaining type specimens in MZUSP.
Etymology. This species is named after Jason D. Weckstein (Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago, USA) in recognition of his interest in louse systematics, and for collecting the type specimens and making them available to us.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Family
- Philopteridae
- Genus
- Bizarrifrons
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Phthiraptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Valim and Palma
- Species
- wecksteini
- Taxonomic status
- sp. nov.
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Bizarrifrons wecksteini Valim & Palma, 2012
- Valim, M. P., & Weckstein, J. D. (2011) Two new species of Brueelia Keler, 1936 (Ischnocera, Philopteridae) parasitic on Neotropical trogons (Aves, Trogoniformes). Zookeys, 128, 1 - 13.