Published September 27, 2019 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Tracking down (and making sense of) the associated motion component in the Datooga lexicon

  • 1. Universität Hamburg


All varieties of Datooga robustly exhibit morphology expressing associated motion (c.f. gwásàgda 'he pours it away', gwásàgàara 'he spilled it while moving thither', and gwásàgàani 'he spilled it while moving hither'). This talk examines the gramaticalised category present in the last two examples above (i.e. -aà-), its morphological status (including restrictions on lexical applicability, as well as semantic specializations), its locus of assignment, and the temporal relation of associated motion to the core event.


Note: This talk has not gone through a process of peer review, and findings should therefore be treated as preliminary and subject to change. Acknowledgement and citation: Kießling, Roland. 2019. Tracking down (and making sense of) the associated motion component in the Datooga lexicon. Talk given at East Africa Day Leiden 27/09/2019.

