Published October 17, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open



This review describes present evidence relating to the association in between known stroke danger elements, underlying problems and consequences and the progression and development of AF. We searched PubMed, Medline and web of science databases for recent for studies concerning Association of ischemic stroke in cases with atrial fibrillation published up to September, 2019. Medical Mesh terms were used in our search as following; “ischemic heart disease” “atrial fibrillation”. On its own, AF is generally not a lethal condition, however it can cause serious clinical complications. AF can add to coronary infarction and various other significant heart disease. Perhaps one of the most significant issue of AF is stroke. A stroke occurs when the flow of blood to part of the brain is substantially reduced or blocked. Usually, this causes the fatality of mind cells, which can bring about irreversible damage and even death. One of the most common root cause of stroke is an embolism. AFib puts patients at a raised threat for stroke because blood may not be appropriately pumped out of the heart, which might cause it to swimming pool and create an embolism. This embolism can then travel to the brain and obstruct the flow of blood to part of the brain which can lead to a stroke.


161.Association of ischemic stroke in cases with atrial fibrillation, Review-converted.pdf