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Published February 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University


The object of research is the optimal controller settings and transient quality indicators. One of the most problematic places is that modern technological processes are complex control objects, when designing automation systems, it becomes important to identify the control object and calculate the controller settings and optimize them. Optimal controller settings will ensure the highest possible product quality in the conditions of this technology and its minimum cost with a given production volume. Determining the optimal setting parameters of the controller by conducting an experiment at the facility itself can lead to a loss in the quality of the finished product, damage to raw materials, and catalysts. The calculation algorithm is implemented using the “Maple” software package.

In the course of the study, an algorithm for identifying control objects with different types of transients by second-order links with a delay time was proposed and investigated. In the course of the study, on the basis of the transfer functions of equivalent objects thus obtained, the settings of the P, PI and PID controllers (proportional, proportional-integral, and proportional-integral-differential) are found using the triangle method, the sustained oscillation method (Nicolas-Ziegler method) and using the proposed algorithm. These settings are intended for automatic control systems. A comparative analysis of the quality indicators of transient processes of the studied automatic control systems with the settings obtained by different methods. According to the results of a comparative analysis, it is concluded that the found parameters of the controller according to the proposed algorithm significantly improved the dynamic properties of the system (overshoot, regulation time, static and dynamic errors). An algorithm for searching for controller settings is proposed and investigated with the introduction of a restriction on the overshoot of the transition process, which also shows a positive result. The identification error does not exceed 3 %, which is quite acceptable for calculations of this type.


Research of the of identification algorithm of control object of second-order links with a delay time.pdf

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