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Published February 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Cherkasy State Technological University
  • 2. East European University of Economics and Management


The classical transport problem is in determination of the optimal plan for the transportation of goods from the points of departure to the points of delivery, taking into account the criterion of the minimum cost of such transportation. Such a problem takes into account only one type of transport, which does not fully correspond to the practical needs of modern logistics enterprises. That is why the object of this research is the classical transport problem, the formulation of which takes into account the presence of several means of cargo delivery, namely: automobile, railway and water. This type of transport problem is defined as multimodal.

The implementation of the multimodal transport problem involves the use of various numerical methods and is carried out using software. In fact, the conceptual approach to its solution is a simple selection of possible results. Given the large dimension of the problem, such an approach can be extremely cumbersome, and therefore requires some improvement.

During the study, the method for constructing a reference plan for such a problem was optimized based on the criterion of minimizing the number of numerical iterations, and the advantages of the proposed approach compared to those already known were substantiated. The basis of the new approach is the previously known minimal element method, which is to be used to solve the transportation problem, and an analogy with the Steiner problem was drawn. The latter, in turn, made it possible to define a new approach as the Steiner method.

The research result is development of a general algorithm for the implementation of the proposed Steiner method. As an approbation of this algorithm, a model example is provided. It demonstrated the identity of the results of solving a multimodal transport problem using all the methods discussed in the article.

The development of new methods for the implementation of the multimodal transport problem will make it possible to construct efficient algorithms for solving more complex problems of transport logistics. The criterion for reducing the number of numerical iterations, used at all stages of the implementation of such problems, significantly reduces the time to search for their solutions.


Optimization of the method of constructing reference plans of multimodal transport problem.pdf

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