Published October 15, 2019
| Version v1
Journal article
Development of Trade and Warehouse Infrastructure in the Distribution System of Urban Agglomerations (the Case of Kazakhstan)
- 1. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
In the article, within the framework of comparative and benchmarking methods, an analysis is made of the state of development, placement of trade and terminal–warehouse infrastructure in the goods distribution system of city agglomeration (using the example of the city of Nur–Sultan). Based on an expert survey, problems were identified and prospects for the location and development of the trade and terminal-warehouse infrastructure of the city agglomeration were determined.
Сыздыкбаева Б. У., Раимбеков Ж. С., Сейдуалин Д. А., Муканов А. Х., Жуматаева Б. А. .pdf
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