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Published October 15, 2019 | Version v1
Poster Open

Let The Data Sing - A Scalable Architecture to Make Data Silos FAIR

  • 1. Leibniz Supercomputing Centre


LTDS ("Let the Data Sing") is a lightweight, microservice-based Research Data Management (RDM) architecture which elevates isolated data stores ("data silos")  into FAIR research data repositories. The core components of LTDS include a metadata store and dissemination services such as a landing page generator and an OAI-PMH server. LTDS is developed at LRZ (Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching, Germany), with the aim of allowing researchers to make massive amounts of data (e.g.HPC simulation results) on LRZ storage systems FAIR. Such data often can often, owing to their size, not easily be transferred into conventional repositories. As a result, they remain "hidden", while only e.g. final results are published -- a massive problem for reproducibility of simulation-based science.

Our poster summarises the LTDS architecture, which uses Open Source and standard components and is targeted at following best practices in FAIR data (and metadata) handling. In addition, we present our experience with first use cases, which are usually scientific projects with LRZ involvement (AlpEnDAC -- Alpine Environmental Data Analysis Centre, ClimEx project, ViWA project). Once in beta stage, LTDS will be documented and published under Open Source license for reuse. Code reusability shall also help to collect feedback and optimise our system in supporting the idea of FAIR RDM.


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004 Data processing & computer science
020 Library & information sciences