Published February 28, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Sumy National Agrarian University


The paper reports a comprehensive study into the impact of feeding rations and breed of cows on the technological properties of milk and quality characteristics of the Dutch type of cheese. Despite the abundance of information on the relationship between domestic animal feeding and technological parameters for the production of cheeses, a possible relationship between particular properties of animal breeds, changes in feed, and a positive influence on the quality of products requires in-depth research. That explains the relevance of studying the influence of an animal breed and the optimization of animal feed on a set of technological parameters and quality indicators for the Dutch type of cheeses. We manufactured the Dutch-type cheese in a series of experiments using milk from cows of different breeds, obtained at different rations of feeding. We compared the chemical composition of milk from three groups of cows ‒ the Ukrainian brown dairy breed, Lebedinskaya breed, and Simmental breed, at different feed. The results obtained demonstrate that the use of alfalfa haylage contributes to an increase in the mass share of a dry fat-free milk residue in milk, improves its suitability for cheese, as compared with milk obtained over a silage-hay period.

We have worked out technological modes for producing the hard Dutch-type cheese from milk of three cow breeds at different feeding rations. It is shown that when applying alfalfa haylage to feed animals the duration of basic technological operations shortens. That helps reduce the share of dry substances (including fat) in whey, and increases the output of finished product. The samples of hard Dutch-type cheese, made from milk of all three groups of animals over a haylage-hay period are characterized by a high content of essential amino acids, as well as free amino acids, and soluble non-protein nitrogen. That predetermined their higher degree of ripeness, and the larger point-based assessment, in terms of organoleptic characteristics (by 7‒15 points), compared to the samples of cheese produced from milk received over a silage-hay period. The highest point-based estimate for organoleptic characteristics (99 points) was given to samples of the Dutch-type cheese made from milk of the Ukrainian brown dairy cow, milked over a haylage-hay period.

It was established that an animal breed has a significant impact on the suitability of milk for cheese and yield of the finished product. The most significant influence of the optimized feeding was exerted on the organoleptic and sensorial indicators for a Dutch-type cheese. The proof are the indicators for proteolytic activity. There was an increase in the growth of nitrogen within soluble fractions, an accelerated maturation process, as evidenced by the accumulation of low-molecular nitrogenous fractions. The largest total amount of free amino acids was demonstrated by cheese made from milk of the cows that were fed the improved ration using alfalfa haylage.

The developed feeding rations, as well as the improved technological parameters for making a Dutch-type cheese, could be recommended as the cost and product quality management methods for producing mass-market and craft cheese.


Determining the influence of the composition of milk from cows of different breeds on quality indicators for the dutch-type cheese.pdf

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