Published October 9, 2019 | Version v1
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Treatment of cerebral palsy using stem cells


Hołowczuk Magdalena, Janeczko Dominika, Orzeł Anna, Klatka Barbara, Terpiłowski Michał. Treatment of cerebral palsy using stem cells. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2019;9(10):90-93. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI






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Received: 25.08.2019. Revised: 31.08.2019. Accepted: 22.09.2019.











Treatment of cerebral palsy using stem cells


Magdalena Hołowczuk1, Dominika Janeczko1, Anna Orzeł1, Barbara Klatka1,

Michał Terpiłowski1


  1. Students of Medical University of Lublin



Cerebral palsy is a wide group of diseases whose common feature are motor disorders. Patients affected by this condition show abnormalities of movement and posture.

Various possible causes of damage were identified. Hypoxia, ischemia, infection, injury and congenital defects are one of the conditions that increase the risk of the disease. The first signs of cerebral palsy noted by parents are: incorrect head and torso stabilization, inability to sit and walk at the right age. There are currently no treatments available that would indicate good efficacy. . In recent years, stem cell therapies have enjoyed considerable interest. The encouraging results of many preclinical studies have indicated that stem cell therapy may have benefits in neonatal diseases.

Despite many encouraging reports, data on the effectiveness of stem cell therapy in cerebral palsy are still insufficient. Scientists should continue to research the success of the therapy.



Key words: stem cells; cerebral palsy




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