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Published September 16, 2019 | Version v1
Journal article Open


  • 1. Senior Professor and unit head, Dept. of obs.& Gyn., Govt. medical college and associated group of hospitals (Jay Kay Lon), kota.
  • 2. Assistant professor, Dept. of obs.& Gyn., Govt. medical college and associated group of hospitals(Jay Kay Lon), kota.
  • 3. Resident, Dept. of obs.& Gyn., Govt. medical college and associated group of hospitals,(Jay Kay Lon), kota.



Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the developing blastocyst get implanted at a site other than the endometrium of the uterine cavity. Cervical Molar pregnancy is a rare variety of ectopic molar pregnancy. Incidence of cervical ectopic pregnancy is <1% of all ectopic pregnancies and it constitutes spectrum from gestational trophoblastic diseases. A 25-year-old primigravida brought from a remote place with complaints of 6-weeks of amenorrhea,generalized weakness, vomiting, pain in lower abdomen and profuse bleeding per vaginum since last 15 days. She has history of consumption of MTP pills over the counter twice. Evacuation was done thrice at various centers for the same but because of continuation of same symptoms patient was referred to higher center. In our center, Pelvic examination revealed a normal-sized uterus with ballooning of cervix and significant bleeding per vaginum. Hence patient was taken for laparotomy followed by life saving Trans-Abdominal hysterectomy with Unilateralsalpingo-oophorectomy. Sample sent for Histo-pathological examination. Patient kept in High density unit for observation. Routine post operative care given, post op period was uneventful. Now patient on oral methotrexate and proper follow up with serial β-HCG& Chest X ray and Ultrasonography monitoring. HPE report suggestive of Cervical ectopic pregnancy with invasive molar changes.



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