Published October 3, 2019 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Urban Fabric Types in Osaka-Kobe Metropolitan Area

  • 1. Joan
  • 2. Alessandro
  • 3. Giovanni
  • 4. Takashi


This upload provides the processed results of Multiple Fabric Assessment (Araldi and Fusco, 2019) performed on a hyper-urbanized region of 2,500 km2 in Japan and including Osaka and Kobe municipalities. The scale of analysis are the areas surrounding urban streets at close distance, which are named proximity bands. Outputs are made available using a geospatial vector data format (GeoPackage - WGS 84/UTM zone 53N) in order to be visualized in a geographic information system software. Attribute data contain the Bayesian probability assignment of each proximity band for the nine urban fabric types that have been identified in the Osaka-Kobe metropolitan area, namely, (1) High-rise and discontinuous modern fabric (2) Discontinuous mid-to-high-rise fabric of mixed land use (3-4) Peripheral low-to-mid-rise discontinuous mixed fabric (5) Industrial and logistic techno-fabrics (6) Residential hyper-compact continuous fabric (7) Residential compact continuous fabric (8) suburban planned single-house residential fabric (9) ex-urban irregular fabric with natural spaces. “MostProb” variable provides the higher probability of each proximity band, which is the main output cross analyzed with field observations in Perez et al., 2019. Results are based upon the processing of morphological indicators calculated using the following datasets: 2013/14 Zmap-TOWN II (ZENRIN Residential Maps) for building coverage and Digital Road Map Database extended version 2015.

Perez J., Araldi A., Fusco G., Fuse T. (2019) “The Character of Urban Japan: Overview of Osaka-Kobe’s Cityscapes”, Urban Science, 3(105), pp 1-22.

Araldi A., Fusco G. (2019) “From the built environment along the street to the metropolitan region. Human perspective approach in urban fabric analysis”. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(7), pp. 1243-1263.


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