Published September 26, 2019 | Version Camera ready
Conference paper Open

Teaching DevOps and Cloud based Software Engineering in University Curricula

  • 1. University of Amsterdam
  • 2. University of Stavanger
  • 3. Agile Telecom


 This paper presents recommendations on the

design and pilot implementation of the DevOps and Cloud

based Software Development curricula for Computer Science

and Software Engineering masters. The central part of

proposed approach is the Body of Knowledge in the DevOps

technologies for Software Engineering (DevOpsSE BoK)

that defines a set Knowledge Areas and Knowledge Units

required for SE professionals to work efficiently as DevOps

engineer or application developer. Defining DevOpsSE-BoK

provides a basis for defining required professional

competences and skills and allows consistent curricula

structuring and profiling. The paper also reports on the

experience of the first course run on 2018/2019 academic

year at the University of Amsterdam. The paper presents the

structure of the course and explains what instructional

methodologies have been used for course development, such

as project based learning that facilitates the students’ team

 based skills both in mastering Agile development process and

skills sharing. The paper provides a short summary of the

generally used DevOps definitions, concepts, models and

tools, specifically focusing on the cloud based DevOps tools

for software development, deployment and operation that

allows the main DevOps principle of continuous

development and continuous improvement which are critical

for modern agile data driven companies.


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