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Published June 26, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Transformational Learning – a Dimension of Quality and Efficiency in the Teaching of Science (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry) in School

  • 1. Institute of Educaitonal Sciences


The article explores the concept of learning in general and transformational learning in particular. Learning is a complex phenomenon and a relevant human activity. We examine various forms of learning: through assimilation, accommodation, and transformation, as stages in the development of such competences that are specific to Science education (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry). A significant term is transformational learning, which involves a change in the attitude towards what the student knows and the way in which he learns it. Schools need to provide students with prerequisites for transformational learning, thus enabling them to transform themselves and to adapt to ever-changing social circumstances.


Frantuzan L_Transformational Learning – a Dimension of Quality and Efficiency in the Teaching of Science (Biology, Physics, and Chemistry) in School.pdf.pdf